Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LAUGHing on the River

We had a wonderful LAUGH outing at Calhoun's on the River this July 2010. We enjoyed sharing our summer adventures together, eating great food, and making plans for upcoming events. We are looking forward to two service opportunities coming up in July and August. The first event is the African Wine and Cheese Event to benefit the mission trip Father Howard, Peg and Emily Coco will be going on very soon. LAUGH can help in this event by providing
hors d'oeuvres and/or wine and helping with set up and/or clean up for the event. The second service opportunity is in our own church nursery. We will meet on Sunday, August 1st in the nursery to begin a paint project to get the nursery ready for the fall. Dinner will be provided, however we will not have childcare. Fall LAUGH events will be scheduled soon so stay tuned!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

High Seas Adventure and Lakeside Tavern!

LAUGH had a wonderful time working together in May to help put together seagulls and other items for the VBS "High Seas Adventure." In keeping with the "High Seas Adventure" we all met at Lakeside Tavern for a lovely evening after our first day of VBS in June. We are looking forward to our next outing at Calhoun's On the River at 7:00 pm in July (date TBA.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cafe 4!

We had a wonderful time at Cafe 4 in Market Square for our April LAUGH. Although we had a small group of ladies, we had such a great time that we closed the place down! Now that's the definition of a great time! In May the LAUGH group will take on a service project in our very own church nursery. A date and more details TBA. Until next time, let's keep LAUGHing together!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

LAUGHing at the Pedispa

Our March LAUGH outing was relaxing and fun with manicures and pedicures being done and much laughing and fellowship following suit. We all had a wonderful time and look forward to our April outing. Our April LAUGH outing will take place on the 2nd Monday of the month due to the Easter holiday. We will meet on April 12th at 7:00pm at Cafe 4 in Market Square. Enjoy the pictures from our fun times together!

Enjoying food and fellowship before the spa treatments!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pampering at the PediSpa

Please join us for the LAUGH March outing for some much needed pampering at Odyssey Pedi Spa on Northshore Drive at 6:15pm on Monday, March 8th. Bring a snack to share and enjoy great fun and fellowship with your fellow Ascension friends. We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Laughing at PF Changs!

We had a wonderful time this past Monday night at PF Chang' We're looking forward to our next LAUGH outing in March for rest and relaxation at the home of Pam Harris. Stay tuned to the blog and the bulletin for the time and exact date. See you all soon!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

PF Changs!

Hello Ladies! We will be meeting for LAUGH on Monday, February 8th at 7:00pm at the PF Changs on Kingston Pike. We hope to see you there for great food, great friends, and great fun! Check out the menu online at